Php – Setting Up Zend Framework on CentOS – Unsure where to place Zend folder


I have a CentOS server and am attempting to setup Zend Framework on it. The command which php outputs


and php -i | grep include_path outputs

include_path => .:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php=> .:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php

So, I copied the Zend folder from the Framework donwload to both /usr/share/pear and /usr/share/php and also copied and zf.php to /usr/bin/php.

When I execute zf show version, I receive

bash: zf: command not found

Can anyone suggest further steps to take to ensure installation of ZF?


Best Answer

I've used the remi repository and did a yum update;yum install *Zend*. Zend should be installed correct and on a new ZF version you can just do yum update when remi pushed it into their repository (they are relative quick).