PHP Startup Error: Unable to Load Dynamic Library ‘/usr/lib64/php/modules/’ in RHEL6


We're running RHEL6 and just started getting this error when restarting php-fpm.

PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib64/php/modules/' – /usr/lib64/php/modules/ undefined symbol: gdImageWebpCtx in Unknown

I've tried restarting the server and running yum update but haven't gotten rid of the error. Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

This means, that gdImageWebpCtx symbol cannot be found in shared libraries used by the module. gdImageWebpCtx is provided by gd/libgd (not php-gd).

readelf -s /usr/lib64/


nm -D /usr/lib64/

will list symbols and I'm very sure, that you won't find it there.

I had dozens of similar/compatibility problems with packages provided by Remi Collet (looks like he's very busy to maintain everything et cetera).

Remove all remi packages (rpm -qa|grep remi), delete remi-release package and install last available php/gg/etc packages from EPEL repository (you may need to downgrade them with rpm -Uvh package.rpm --oldversion). Then upgrade all packages (!).

If you want to have php 5.5, then I recommend you to download src.rpm's from remi's repo, install src.rpm and recompile with rpmbuild --target x86_64 -ba /root/rpmbuild/SPECS/php.spec . This way all binaries will be built according to your system.

That's the reason why I never use REMI's php rpms. Mysql ones are good.

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