Php – Stopping memcached: [FAILED]. Why


My application seems to be having issues with memcached not stopping.

I'm using php, and have specific keys expiring after every hour. However those keys & values are not repopulating anymore.

When I run:

/etc/init.d/memcached restart

I get the following:

Stopping memcached:                                        [FAILED]
Starting memcached:                                        [  OK  ]

I have to run a killall memcached for memcached to stop. I then run a restart and everything is fine.

I'm not exactly sure what is causing this, but I need memcached to be restarting every hour. Where should I be looking to find out what is causing this?

Best Answer

For me it was because I initially ran memcached -d manually.

Then later when I tried to run service memcached restart/stop, the stop command would fail. After killing the process manually service memcached restart/stop worked as expected.

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