Php – Ubuntu Jaunty + sendmail + PHP + mail() Premission Errors


I'm having issues trying to get PHP's mail function to work on my Ubuntu 9.04 VPS with sendmail and Apache (and other less relevant stuff, of course).

From PHP I receive no error, save a return value of false from the mail function.

The last error in /var/log/mail.err is

sendmail[14837]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(www-data): can not chdir(/var/spool/mqueue-client/): Permission denied

Now, I appreciate that this is saying www-data (the user Apache is running as) does not have read access on some required directory (/var/spool/mqueue-client).

So, knowing that (and for test purposes only), I ran chmod 777 /var/spool/mqueue-client and reran the script, which this time succeeded (hurray), however /var/log/mail.err now says

sendmail[14874]: dangerous permissions=42777 on queue directory /var/spool/mqueue-client/

So I'm wondering how I can configure things so my script can run using non-dangerous permissions.

Best Answer

You could try to chmod 775 the /var/spool/mqueue-client and then add www-data to the smmsp group. I agree though if you can switch to postfix somehow, you would be much better off.