Php – Uncommenting lines in php.ini file on 000webhost


I recently asked a question about a php error

after playing with the php.ini file I found that after commenting


I got the same error as I did on the internet

so I relized that line on 000webhost's php.ini file must be commented

Other than hack into 000webhost and change the file I don't know how to uncomment a line

all I need to do is change




I cannot use a php function because this only allows you to change an existing line not one that is commented

what am I to do

I tried copying php_soap.dll and putting in the same directory as my php file but I still got the same error

I don't know what to do


Best Answer

If 000webhost haven't enabled/installed the php_soap extension, there's probably sod all you can do about it.

Have you tried


to load the module at run-time?

Don't try and hack in and change it on their server config, they'll be pissed off, and you'll be breaking the law.

You might also try and find a pure PHP SOAP library, that doesn't rely on the php_soap extension.. Or find a non-crap webhost that supports it, or get a VPS server instead of shared hosting, then you'll have full control over the server configuration.