Php – Zend Optimizer not compatible with PHP+APC+Drupal. Can I disable it for Drupal-run domains


I use the following set up:

  • PHP Version 5.2.17
  • Apache/2
  • Zend Optimizer v3.3.3
  • Drupal 7.8

As far as I read other articles and questions, Zend Optimizer doesn't do any good neither for PHP5 nor for D7.

I would like to use APC as PHP cache but APC is not compatible with Zend Optimizer.

Can I disable Zend Optimizer for selected subdomains ?


  • redirects to an app that requires Zend Optimizer
  • redirects to a Drupal app that doesn't require Zend
    Optimizer (I would like to disable Zend Optimizer for this subdomain)

Best Answer

Webhosting talk seems to think you may be able to use the php_value flag in your .htaccess (or VirtualHost def) in order to selectivly disable it in certain hosts:

php_value zend_optimizer.optimization_level = 0

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