PhpMyAdmin – Error 500 on Table Structure Page


I'm using PhpMyAdmin for a while on my Debian VPS but recently it started to make Error 500 when accessing the "Structure" tab for the tables (tbl_structure.php page)… and only this !

Error in processing request
Error code: 500
Error text: Internal Server Error (rejected)
It seems that the connection to server has been lost. Please check your network connectivity and server status.

Debian 10 / Apache 2.4.38 / PHP 8.0.1 / mysqlnd 8.0.1 / PhpMyAdmin 5.0.4deb1~bpo10+1

I gave all permissions to the user on the databse, it not solved the problem. Looking in firebug, the header for phpmyadmin/tbl_structure.php is "500
Internal Server Error" BUT the response is a complete JSON, so it seems data are well sended by the server, but the client probably see the 500 error and not process it.

Has anybody can help with that ? Thank you

Best Answer

Solution found! As I mentionned on

I followed this Symfony bug solution

I added array_value on line 1177 of usr/share/php/Symfony/Component/DependencyInjection/ContainerBuilder.php and everything work now!