Phpytheadmin – Unable to load dynamic library ‘ext\php_interbase.dll’


I am installing phpMyAdmin (4.2.3) on Windows 2008 R2, with IIS7, PHP 5.5.12 and get the error

"PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'ext\php_interbase.dll' – The specified
module could not be found."

The file 'ext\php_interbase.dll' is present, the phpinfo() page displays OK (but without a
section headed 'interbase').

After reading several messages on this error on various forums, it seems to suggest
that I am missing the file 'fbclient.dll' within my PHP install.

Could anyone advise where I can get this DLL / or anything else I need to do.

Thanks for your help

Best Answer

As told by @Nathan Check the Firebird extension in PHP (php_pdo_firebird.dll, php_interbase.dll) in ext folder. Adding them in my php.ini file or otherwise if you don't need it just comment it out .


For finding the missing dll follow this link:

Copy FbClient.dll it in the respective directory