Physical to Virtual Xen on Debian Squeeze


I'm trying to migrate various services from a physical Debian Squeeze box to a number of para-virtualised Xen machines. This is my first venture into Xen, so I'm planning on doing this step by step:

  1. Install a clean Xen + Debian Squeeze Dom0 on to the box
  2. Make sure I can install and run new DomUs (xen-tools)
  3. Convert to original physical install (called Kowalski) to a DomU
  4. Move services from Kowalski to new DomUs, until Kowalski isn't doing anything any more.
  5. Retire Kowalski

Steps 1 and 2 have gone fine. I'm having trouble on 3.

Basically I've:

  • Copied the old Physical partitions to LVM logical volumes
  • Created a kowalski.cfg for Xen that maps these LVs to xvda devices
  • Edited the fstab to use the xvda devices.

It boots, but during the start-up scripts eventually hangs with init reporting that 'T0' is re-spawning too quickly so it's killing it.

Any suggestions on debug techniques? what I might have missed?

As I say, this is my first venture into Xen and I'm finding it difficult to get a handle on what's going wrong.

Best Answer

That`s what I initially did (convert p2v). This is a troublesome way to do it.

Better install a fresh, clean DomU with a PV kernel right from the start and then migrate the services to that box.

It is basically the same task as a pyhsical upgrade - but will get you a stable machine faster then the other way round.

I tried to emulate "/dev/sda" for years in my DomUs - just to find that after a certain sles-kernel-update the DomUs did not boot any longer (because sda was now hardcoded to use physical drivers). Now I use the standard-pv-driver (xenblk) with the standard device name (xvda) and everything is fine again.