Physical Win98 hd to VM .vmdk

hard drivevmware-fusionvmware-vmdk

I am pretty new to VMware fusion.

Case is: I have an old Win 98 machine, on which I have a program i need to run, to which I do not have the installation CDs. For that reason I need to make a .vmdk from the physical HD of the machine, which I would like to run in Fusion on my Imac.

The old Win 98 box has two HD, an I have now used Ghost 6.0 to make a .GHO-image of the C-drive, and put the file-set (4 2GB files) on the D-drive. My plan now is to try to convert the .GHO-image in to a .vmdk-file.

Is there a cook-bock recipie on how to do that?

I have searched the forum, but did not find any explicit way to do it.

Do I have to use another imaging tool to "Ghost" the C-drive? Would it help to disconnect the C-drive HD from the Win 98 box, and mount it as an USB-drive in the Imac?

Any suggestion on how to solve this matter is very welcom.



Best Answer

qemu for mac can convert from raw image to vm.

Check this forum post:

It's for converting from vdi to vmdk, so you'll need only the second part - from raw to vmdk.

You can use dd to get a raw image out of the hdd - just connect it to your mac, and the use:

dd bs=512 if=/dev/rXX# of=/some_dir/foo.dmg

where rXX# is where this HDD is assigned.

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