Port forwarding with Windows Server 2008


I have Windows 2008 server. It works as a mail, ftp, web server. In my LAN there is other server and i want to reach this server with RDC from outside my lan, (example: domail.com:5555 -> Is there any solution to forward this port using Windows Firewall?

Best Answer

Try the following:

netsh routing ip nat add portmapping external tcp 5555 3389

This rule shall forward any incoming connection to port 5555 from outside to your specific LAN IP/port. Here external is the name of the external network interface.

Don't forget to have proper firewall rules that will allow traffic related to port 5555 to pass in both directions on the external NIC. You need to allow incoming traffic to port 5555 and outgoing traffic related to these connections.

I've never used the built-in Windows firewall, but I strongly suggest you to have a look at wipfw. It is smart enough to implement connection tracking.