Possible to Change Screen Resolution with Script


We've got a workstation with four monitors that is shared by multiple users. Depending on the user, the screen resolution of all four monitors needs to be changed. I'm looking for a way to simplify/automate the process of changing the resolutions, possibily with a script of some sort? Can this be done?

Best Answer

ResSwitch is a utlity that will do what you want. Its a command line tool that you send the resolution, colour depth and refresh rate - e.g

resswitch.exe 800 600 32 60

You can use the device switch to specify which device the command applies to, specifying the name of the device. So for 4 monitors you'd probably be best creating a batch file with 4 commands in.

To get the names of the devices you can use ResCopy, also included in that zip file to display them.