Postfix block local domain from sending


I have a centos 6.5 server running apache and hosting about 8 domains. There is also postfix 2.6 installed serving these local domains to send emails generated by php (website contact forms). Postfix installation is default. No modifications have been made to or any other file.

Now, one of the websites has been hacked and is sending spam emails using addresses such as:,, ( is the actual domain name of the hacked website)

I want to block this particular (local) domain from sending, while all other domains sould send normally. So far, I have created a "blacklist" which I saved in postfix folder named "rbl_blacklist" and looks like that:    REJECT

How can I use this file in in order to prevent messages from *** from being sent?

(also, any other suggestions are welcome)


I do not want to block certain users, since there aren't any! I just want to block all email messages that are sent from: * from being sent!

Best Answer

The solution was "header_checks"

In comment out any "header_checks" lines -if exist and then add:

header_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/header_checks.pcre

Create header_checks.pcre file (at the postfix folder)

# cd /etc/postfix
# vi header_checks.pcre

inside header_checks.pcre file added the following line:

/^From:((?![^@]*?user1|[^@]*?user2|[^@]*?user3|[^@]*?webmaster)[^@]*?)@hacked_domain\.com/ DISCARD

(we allow only user1, user2, user3 and webmaster to send emails -the other addresses get discarded!)

# service postfix restart

...and worked!

Hope that helps others with similar issues!

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