Postfix – How to Make Aliases Work for Virtual Domains


I'm trying to set up a local mailserver. I run Mac OS X Server 10.6 Snow Leopard, and it uses Postfix as server. I set the server up using the GUI and I'm doing all virtual settings via the terminal.

The situation: the server is on a domain, let's call it "". I have multiple virtual aliases, for now let's say "". I have a user "postmaster" on the server.

My goal: I'd like to setup some aliases (postmaster, root, mailer-daemon, etc.) that work for all domains/aliases without having to set it up every time I add an alias domain.

Summary/to the point question: how can I set up aliases that work automatically for all virtual domains?

Current progress: using the current configuration, I receive all messages to,, etc… But when I send a message to (or, the message is returned.

Error message:

Aug 17 23:53:54 home postfix/smtpd[11903]: connect from SERVER[IP]
Aug 17 23:53:54 home postfix/smtpd[11903]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from SERVER[IP]: 550 5.1.1 <>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual alias table; from=<FROM> to=<> proto=ESMTP helo=<SERVER>
Aug 17 23:53:55 home postfix/smtpd[11903]: disconnect from SERVER[IP]

My configuration:

bash-3.2# postconf -n
virtual_alias_domains = $virtual_alias_maps hash:/etc/postfix/virtual_domains
virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual_users

Contents of /etc/postfix/virtual_domains:             allow

Contents of /etc/postfix/virtual_users:    jonathan        jonathan     jonathan

Contents of /etc/aliases:

root:                 postmaster
MAILER-DAEMON:        postmaster

bin:                  root
daemon:               root
named:                root
nobody:               root
uucp:                 root
www:                  root
ftp-bugs:             root
postfix:              root

manager:              root
dumper:               root
operator:             root
abuse:                postmaster

decode:               root

I've googled a lot, but I can't find real solutions. I hope you guys come up with some genius plan πŸ™‚


Best Answer

I got this awesome link from a tweep and it worked perfectly! If you are looking for the answer, here is my solution. (You need to combine this with the /etc/aliases from my first post, this snippet is only for the virtual domain aliases.)


virtual_alias_maps = regexp:/etc/postfix/virtual_users_global hash:/etc/postfix/virtual_users


# Short version:

/^(postmaster|root|MAILER-DAEMON|abuse)@/   postmaster
/^(bin|daemon|named|nobody|uucp|www|ftp-bugs|postfix|manager|dumper|operator|decode)@/  root

# Or the long version:

/^postmaster@/         postmaster
/^root@/               postmaster
/^MAILER-DAEMON@/      postmaster

/^bin@/                root
/^daemon@/             root
/^named@/              root
/^nobody@/             root
/^uucp@/               root
/^www@/                root
/^ftp-bugs@/           root
/^postfix@/            root

/^manager@/            root
/^dumper@/             root
/^operator@/           root
/^abuse@/              postmaster

/^decode@/             root