Postfix not forwarding to .forward address


I have a VPS with Postfix. E-mail is working – I can send messages to and from it, tested using mutt and my GMail account.

However, I want to forward all mails send to my VPS to my GMail account so it's all in one place.

I tried specifying my gmail address in my .forward, but after doing so, e-mails just get lost completely. They don't show up in mutt, and they don't show up in GMail.

mail.log suggest that the e-mail was sent on, and there are no errors that I can see in mail.err. From my perspective it looks as if GMail is just receiving the e-mail and discarding it, but that can't be right!

Addendum: Specifying my forwarding e-mail address in /etc/postfix/virtual leads to the same result:

Apr  4 08:49:28 vps-375 postfix/smtpd[16235]: 8062044D1B2F:[]
Apr  4 08:49:28 vps-375 postfix/cleanup[16239]: 8062044D1B2F: message-id=<>
Apr  4 08:49:28 vps-375 postfix/qmgr[15970]: 8062044D1B2F: from=<>, size=1581, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Apr  4 08:49:29 vps-375 postfix/smtp[16240]: 8062044D1B2F: to=<>, orig_to=<>,[]:25, delay=1.3, delays=0.41/0.02/0.36/0.52, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 OK 1301903372 m53si9513199wej.191)
Apr  4 08:49:29 vps-375 postfix/qmgr[15970]: 8062044D1B2F: removed

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

It turns out the problem here was GMail not showing e-mails forwarded back to it. Sending an e-mail from other addresses were correctly forwarded. GMail seems to discard the messages that are forwarded back to it.