Postfix Plugins for Munin not working


I have a fresh munin (system monitor) installation on a FreeBSD 9.1 machine up and
running fine. Now I wanted to include our Postfix server on the same
machine in munin, so I tried to run the standard "postfix_mailqueue" plugin
with the "autoconf" parameter. However, this does not seem to work
because "" is not found.

Here is some output from command line:

root@chaos ~ % echo $MUNIN_LIBDIR
root@chaos ~ %
root@chaos ~ % file $MUNIN_LIBDIR/plugins/
/usr/local/share/munin/plugins/ ASCII text
root@chaos ~ %
root@chaos ~ % /usr/local/share/munin/plugins/postfix_mailqueue autoconf
.: cannot open /plugins/ No such file or directory

Any ideas what I might be missing here?

PS: Other standard munin plugins are working fine, e.g. for Apache.

Best Answer

It looks like the postfix_mailqueue plugin is not getting the $MUNIN_LIBDIR environment variable. Since it's set in your shell, you probably just need to export it. It looks like you're running (t)csh, so you should use setenv MUNIN_LIBDIR /usr/local/share/munin. If you're running a bourne shell derivative, the command is export MUNIN_LIBDIR=/usr/local/share/munin.

Alternately, you can run the plugin via munin-run, which sets up all of the right environment variables for you. To run it directly from the main plugin directory, use munin-run --servicedir /usr/local/share/munin/plugins/ postfix_mailqueue autoconf.