postfix – Restrict Mail Relay for Specific Sender Addresses


I'd like to configure postfix to relay mail from certain sender addresses only. Postfix should relay mail to different relayhosts(/smarthosts) (Gmail, AOL, …) dependent on the sender's address ("MAIL FROM:").

So far, my current configuration works as follows:

  • Users authenticate on postfix for mail relay in general. If they cannot authenticate, no relay is possible. Note that this authentication is different from the authentication for the relayhosts.

  • Dependent on the sender's address ("MAIL FROM:"), a certain relayhost is selected (smtp_sender_dependent_authentication, sender_dependent_relayhost_maps, smtp_sasl_password_maps). This also works fine.

  • However, if the user can authenticate, and has a sender address not covered in sender_dependent_relayhost_maps, postfix tries to directly relay the mail – which often does not work due to IP address restrictions (blacklists).

My question is now: how to reject mail that would have been relayed directly (without smarthost), i.e., where the sender's address is not listed in sender_dependent_relayhost_maps? Any hints how to achieve this?

Best Answer

You would need some limiting test before permit_sasl_authenticated. A prerequisite for this would be having separated smtpd on port 25 for incoming mail and another smtpd for submission on port 587. Otherwise this limitation would cause incoming mail to be rejected as it won't pass the test. Then, remove the permit_sasl_authenticated from the port 25 altogether, and add the test to your submission configuration in

  • To answer your question literally, check_sender_access would be a suitable test, whitelisting all the domains listed in sender_dependent_relayhost_maps and rejecting mail for the rest.

    check_sender_access type:table

    Search the specified access(5) database for the MAIL FROM address, domain, parent domains, or localpart@, and execute the corresponding action.

    This can be added to either smtpd_sender_restrictions or smtpd_recipient_restrictions.

  • What would do the same, but further prevent users from using each other's addresses is using reject_sender_login_mismatch. This needs an additional smtpd_sender_login_maps table, but if your virtual_alias_maps entries are already formed as username, you can use the same file and the allowed sender addresses are automatically updated whenever you update your virtual aliases database with postmap. An example of such submission configuration in the

    submission inet n - - - - smtpd
    # Other parameters
      -o smtpd_sender_login_maps=hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
      -o smtpd_sender_restrictions=reject_sender_login_mismatch
      -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
    # Other parameters