Postfix Server for Mass Mailing on Multiple Domains


I'm currently setting up a mail server for mass mailing on a non-profit. I decided to go with Postfix since I had some experience with the configuration. However my experience was for multi domain environments backed by a MySQL DB not a mass mailing solution.

What I'm trying to accomplish needs to meet the following:

  1. SMTP server that allows to send emails from any email address / domain they choose;
  2. Only allow to send the emails with those domains from the server itself, to avoid running this as an open-relay and have spam issues;
  3. Still have a virtual_aliases, mailbox-domains, mailbox-maps configuration based on a MySQL DB so I can create internal emails @massmail.example to use as email bounce / return path to track errors;

My current config is a multi domain environment, I'm able to add domains and users into the MySQL DB like bounces@massmail.example, connect to SMTP, send mail and receive over IMAP. Everything works fine.

However, how am I supposed to implement the part: "send emails from any email address / domain they choose"?

To send emails from, should I:

  1. Add the domain to the virtual_domains table and create the user at the virtual_users, login with that address and send the emails?
  2. Login with the internal bounce email bounces@massmail.example use it to send email but change the FROM header to

What's the correct options in terms of SPAM detection bulk sending compliance? Any of the above or something else? How does platforms like mail chimp handle this?

I tried the option (2) and gmail, for instance, says something like this:
enter image description here

Best Answer

You cannot have mass mailing, without SPAMMING, unless users have registered, and approved their email address, or any other 2 factor acknowledgment.

Restrict MTA to IP, edit and add the IP's you wish to send from. i.e... inet_interfaces = public-ip,

create a generic map for the different domains they wish to send from. see for example: