Postfix setup with different domain name, reverse lookup and SPF


I would like to set up Postfix properly to serve multiple virtual domains while complying to all standards and being able to enable security measures like SPF.

  • The server has the hostname server.domain.tld.
  • Postfix has mydomain set to domain.tld.
  • Postfix has myhostname set to server.domain.tld.
  • Postfix has not set myorigin to anything.
  • The server is hosting a few dozen virtual domains.
  • All users have set up mail.tld as incoming and outgoing mail server.
  • I would like Postfix to act to the outer world as mail.tld.

My first thought was to just set mydomain and myhostname to mail.tld. But it seems, that it is advised, that the reverse lookup of mail.tld should resolve to the host's IP address ( for example). While I could do that, I am concerned though, that setting up the reverse lookup to mail.tld might lead to problems, when it will be necessary to reverse lookup the host itself.

How can I achieve that Postfix acts as mail.tld and that I will be able to specify mail.tld as MX record and use SPF, DKIM and DMARC with it, while retaining the DNS integrity of the host server.domain.tld?

Best Answer

I have a similar working set up - I'm not using DKIM or DMARC, just SPF for spam fighting.

Here's mine - I set mine up using this as a guide and while I follow it 90% of the way there are a few things I do differently -

Here's what is in my various files for hostnames. Like you, I'm hosting multiple domains and they all work fine.

Reverse DNS is set to

I get a letsencrypt cert via the standalone method, and specify,, and as hosts on it.

/etc/hostname - mailserver ( w/ appropriate mapping to in /etc/hosts) /etc/mailname -

In /etc/postfix/ I have the following references to hostnames or FQDNs -

smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/letsencrypt/live/
smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/letsencrypt/live/
myhostname =
mydestination = $myhostname,, mailserver, localhost.localdomain, localhost

In my I pull in the domains to service as well as users and passwords from a mysql database (per the howto I linked above). Once I enter a domain in the proper table and create a user account or alias under it I can work as a mail server (incoming and outgoing) IF the other domain puts in as the highest priority (lowest number) MX record for the domain, and any SPF records they have specify that my is valid for sending - I use the MX record option TXT  "v=spf1 a mx ptr ~all"

Clients connect to for Submission (w/ TLS/SSL) and pop3 and/or imap (both with tls/ssl). Works great.