Postfix SMTP authentication per domain


Is it possible to configure SMTP authentication on Postfix with different user/pass credentials for different domains?

So, I have a MTA that relays emails from ~20 different domains. When sending emails to a specific domain, say, my MTA has to authenticate. No problem, this solved the problem:

But, I have a different account for every sender domain. So, when sends email to, it uses one account. Another one for -> etc.

Is this achievable through Postfix?

Best Answer

You should read up a bit on this option: smtp_sender_dependent_authentication, with that, and two other related DB mappings, sender_dependent_relayhost_maps, and smtp_sasl_password_maps, you can create per sender password entries.

In the sender_dependent_relayhost maps, you map username@domain [smtp_host], and in the smtp_sasl_password maps, you map email user:password or domain user:password(whatever those might be). These are classic postfix lookup tables, they can be in mysql, dbm, hash, etc.

With a combination of mysql and some duplication, you could quite possibly do what you want.

You could make a table with 4 fields, email, smtp_relay, user, password, then have postfix look up the email and smtp_relay for the sender_dependent_relay_maps, then email user:password for smtp_sasl_password_maps. This would have to be populated with each email address that has to relay, each server that you relay through, and each user:password combo for the authentication.

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