Postfix Troubleshooting – Unable to Deliver to User’s Maildir


Had a server that was using postfix/dovecot w/ CentOS 6.5/6.6, Every thing has been running well for the past few months, until the raid controller failed. So I installed a new server using CentOS 7. I i created the users using adduser (only a handle full fortunately) and copied the home directory contents including mail and set the owners the user:user and 770 permissions.

In each user's home folder is a Maildir directory that is set as:

drwxrwx--- 9 enduser postfix 4096 Nov 19 22:34 Maildir

All sub directories are 770 and files are 660.

The problem I am having is that Postfix is unable to write to the Maildir:

Nov 21 07:47:16 host postfix/local[12504]: warning: maildir access problem for UID/GID=1002/1002: create maildir file /home/enduser/Maildir/tmp/ Permission denied
Nov 21 07:47:16 host postfix/local[12504]: 59E944726D1: to=<>, relay=local, delay=185, delays=185/0.02/0/0.05, dsn=5.2.0, status=bounced (maildir delivery failed: create maildir file /home/enduser/Maildir/tmp/ Permission denied)

I've tried everything permission combination I can think of short of 777.

Any direction or light would be appreciated,

~ Wran

/home/enduser tree:

    +-- enduser
        +-- Maildir
            +-- cur
            +-- new
            +-- tmp

Best Answer

In order for mail to be delivered, postfix must be able to enter the user's home directory, and that directory must contain a complete Maildir tree containing the subfolders tmp, cur and new, all with the correct permissions.

Since you've already checked that the Maildir exists, has the correct folders, and has the right permissions, what remains is checking whether postfix (and the users themselves) can enter the users' home directory.

In order for that to work, the permissions have to be right every step of the way. So, not only does /home/user need to have the right permissions - so does /home. It must be set either to 750, if it's owned by a group that the users are members of, or 755 if it's not.

You can verify this by simply su'ing to a user and try to enter their home directory.