AWS RDS – PgAdmin Error: Unable to Connect to Server, Timeout Expired


Short description: AWS RDS connecting server to PgAdmin 4, PostgreSQL 11

Done: I have done similar to this guy or to this aws guide but at the end when I click save it does not accept it for me. instead gives the following


Error saving properties 
Unable to connect to server: 
timeout expired

What I have tried to solve the problem:

  • The instance is active it is 2 hours after creation
  • I have also allowed to access database with outside of AWS database client "YES"
  • this stack overflow answer does not deliver results actually after refreshing my security group like the guide says my whole database disappeared
  • I have home wi-fi so there are no corporate firewalls or any of those issues Unable to connect to AWS RDS instance
  • while reading the pervious server fault post I looked up my
    • RDS/Databases: what was empty
    • RDS/Security groups: empty and I have this message:
Your account does not support the EC2-Classic Platform in this region. 
DB Security Groups are only needed when the EC2-Classic Platform is supported. 
Instead, use VPC Security Groups to control access to your DB Instances.

Best Answer

By default, Public accessibility is set to false while creating database in AWS.

There are two option, either to select it to true while creating the database or in case if you forgot to select it, you can modify the database and set it true.

  1. While creating the database, Additional connectivity configuration section is collapsed and so it is difficult to notice this setting.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Expand the section Additional connectivity configuration, and you will find the setting to set "Publicly accessible" to Yes

  1. In case you already created the database, then you can modify the database and set the "Public accessibility" to "Yes".