Postgresql – Connecting to PostgreSQL with SSL using OpenSSL s_client


I am trying to connect to my PostgreSQL server on AWS using SSL from the OpenSSL s_client on XP. I can connect to a third party using this s_client. On both the server and XP, I am using openssl version 0.9.8.k.

When I try to connect to my server, I get the result:

2036:error:140790E5:SSL routines:SSL23_WRITE:ssl handshake failure:s23_lib.c:188

In the Postgres log, I see the entry:

2009-10-30 13:58:08 UTC LOG: invalid length of startup packet

I'd appreciate any suggestions about where to look to get this working. Maybe there is a public AWS image I can look at on which PostgreSQL is known to work?

Best Answer

You didn't specify why you wanted to use s_client.

If it is to interact with the database, any decent client will do. psql can be called with the sslmode=require option. See man psql.

If it is to check the SSL certificate (which is why I came across your question), it still doesn't work with s_client as Magnus pointed out 7 years ago. you can now do it with openssl s_client if you have a version >= 1.1.1, as pointed out in the answer of Adam Batkin. Use openssl version to check, or just directly try this command to see if it works.

echo "" | openssl s_client -starttls postgres -connect EXAMPLE.COM:5432 -showcerts

If you have an older version which doesn't support postgres, this python script can also retrieve the SSL certificate:

For example to check certificate dates: | openssl x509 -noout -dates