PostgreSQL failover with Kubernetes


I've got master slave replication working with Kubernetes, but would now like to implement failover. I have pods running with the service=postgresql and role=master or role=slave roles. When the master fails, I want to select another master and change its role label to master, so the postgresql-master service points to the new master.

Two questions:

  • Can I connect from a pod to the Kubernetes API to get notified when the master dies and see which pod has to become the new master?
  • When I try to change a label by saying 'kubectl label pod postgresql-slave role=master' I get the message saying I can only change the image of a running pod, although I get the impression from the command help that I should be able to change labels of pods. What am I doing wrong?

UPDATE: Exact error when updating label

$ ./kubectl get pod -l type=postgresql
POD                       IP           CONTAINER(S)   IMAGE(S)                      HOST                  LABELS                        STATUS    CREATED     MESSAGE
postgresql-master-y868v                                         role=master,type=postgresql   Running   3 minutes   
                                    postgresql     genericsites/postgresql:0.1                                                       Running   3 minutes   

vincent@vincent-netbook-e11:~/Documents/Develop/Web/websites-system/installation/kubernetes$ ./kubectl label pod postgresql-master-y868v test=foo
Error from server: Pod "postgresql-master-y868v" is invalid: spec: invalid value '* pod definition in JSON *': may not update fields other than container.image

UPDATE: It does seem to be possible to be able to change the label of a service, which would maybe allow me to hack my way around the problem, but would of course not be optimal

Best Answer

@vincent It's possible that the server's version is too old. Please try kubectl version to verify that. If it's too old, try updating it.

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