Postgres SSL – Fixing ‘CA MD Too Weak’ Error


I'm trying to setup a postgres server (version 10.4) with openssl access only. I created a self signed ca and the necessary private and public keys for the user and the server with easyrsa version 3 as described here and put it in the directories as stated here. Afterwards I added this line

hostssl  all  myname  cert

to the pg_hba.conf as described here and here
But when I try to connect to the database with

psql -h "sslmode=verify-ca sslcert=myname.crt sslkey=myname.key"

this error message pops up

couldn't read certificate "myname.crt": ca md too weak

and in the server log

couldn't accept SSL-connection: success

(maybe the messages are not literally correct, I translated them from German)

That is funny, because when I look at my certificates with

easyrsa show-cert myname

I see the following lines (and more):

   Version: 3 (0x2) 
   Serial Number: 
       don't show it here
   Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption

and the same for my root certificate ca.crt and the certificate for the postgres server. So obviously the certificates are signed with sha256 method and not with md
What is even more funny, is that it worked in the beginning, and some days later, when I tried it again the above mentioned error message appeared and I'm quite sure that I didn't change any configuration meanwhile. Maybe some update of openssl or postgresql was in between.

Best Answer

Check the openssl*.cnf file that you used with Easy-RSA. In the [ CA_default ] section there is an option default_md that should be set to sha256.

If you actually used the easyrsa script that comes with current 3.x versions of Easy-RSA then this is already set correctly in the openssl*.cnf file that ships with it. If you used a 2.x Easy-RSA version then you will need to edit this yourself.