Postgresql – Zabbix + pg_monz shows service not running


I am trying to setup monitoring for my PostgreSQL installation with zabbix ang pg_monz.
I've followed this standard installation guide( Everything seems working ok, besides PostgreSQL service running item, script that comes with pg_monz returns 0, however DB is running and other parameters are monitored.
What could be the issue here? script


# Load the psql connection option parameters.
source $PGSHELL_CONFDIR/pgsql_funcs.conf

psql -t -A -h $PGHOST -p $PGPORT -U $PGROLE $DBNAME -c "select 1;" 2>/dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo 0

zabbix userparameter:

UserParameter=psql.running[*],"$1"/ "$2"

Best Answer

Wasn't expecting that, but problem was in the pg_monz script. Database name in configuration was declared as PGDATABASE but in the script that executes query $DBNAME was used to retrieve that name. Fixed that and monitoring started working.