Power and Cooling Cost compared with Server/Hardware Cost


Has anyone done, or is aware of any, calculations to compare the cost of power and cooling compared to the cost of hardware (servers) in a typical data center? This is to compute a true total cost of ownership of self-hosting servers. Of course real TCO includes:
hardware_cost + power + cooling + rental + human_cost + maintenance

Is there any study that says something like (TCO – hardware_cost) = 40% of hardware_cost in 3 years?

Any pointers will be appreciated.

Best Answer

It's going to vary by area, with what your costs for power are. This varies greatly, and tends to be why Google, Microsoft and others are building sites in what might otherwise be considered the middle of nowhere.

... and you missed the most overlooked item in TCO : disposal (transfer or destruction of the data; physical removal and sale/recycling of the hardware).