Powershell – ADFS 2.0 Farm – How to perform an immediate sync


We're using ADFS 2.0 on a windows 2008 server, it's in a farm and has the default polling interval of 5 minutes. We're making a change tonight and would rather sync immediately than wait for the other guy to update, especially as we might be making multiple changes.

This Technet article mentions that I can change the polling interval or do an immediate sync between my servers:


I checked the powershell commandlets for ADFS and I can only seem to find one that let's me set the polling interval, but not perform a 1 time immediate sync

Searched the usual suspects, but just can't find a ADFS-SyncMyStuffNow command…


Best Answer

So this isn't the exact answer, but after more reading I realized that if you want immediate synchronization, you need to use the shared SQL server. Once you have a shared server, there is no more "primary" - they can both make changes and are immediately in sync.

There also didn't appear to be a (supported) way to migrate a standalone to the SQL server, it has to be rebuilt.

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