Powershell – Convert Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership such that I can write it to the notes field


I am writing a PowerShell script to automate putting users on a leave of absence. As part of this process, we remove the user from their DLs if it is a long absence to stop them from coming back to thousands of emails.

I am planning to saving the list of members to the notes field under the telephone tab, so I can easily restore it manually when they get back (one automation step at a time)

I have no problem pulling a list of of distribution groups with:

 Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $user | Where-Object GroupCategory -eq Distribution | select name

The part I run into trouble with is when I try to save it to the notes field with:

Set-ADUser $user -replace @{info=(Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $user | Where-Object GroupCategory -eq Distribution |select name)} 

I get the error:

Set-ADUser : Invalid type 'System.Management.Automation.PSObject'.

I have tried massaging the data into shape with -split and -join, but either I'm not doing it right or these are not the right commands. ConvertTo-CSV "works", but adds a lot of extra cruft.

How can I transform this data so that the telephone tab will accept it? My prefered format is something I can use to copy/paste the groups back in afterwords ie. group1;group2;group3 etc. (I will also take comments that the way I am approaching this is all wrong and that method xyz is much better.)

Best Answer

Well, I don't mean to state the obvious, but you are trying to paste in a Powershell object, where the info attribute of an AD user will only accept strings. You need to convert the list of group memberships into a string first, and add the logic yourself for putting your delimiter of choice in between each group name, be it a comma, semicolon or newline character.

Foreach($grp In Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $usr | Where-Object GroupCategory -eq Distribution) 
    $GroupString += $grp.Name + ';' 
$GroupString = $GroupString.TrimEnd(';') # Remove the last delimiter off the end
Set-ADUser $usr -Replace @{info=$GroupString}