Powershell – Copy multiple folders to a single destination with robocopy


I'm looking for a solution to use robocopy to copy several folders from a directory onto a distant network share. I want to choose several folders out of a directory that contains hundreds of folders I'm not interested in. I want to do something similar to scp in linux using regex, but this doesn't work in robocopy:

c:\robocopy "c:\results\1319_TC1.*" "\\datastore\somefolder\"

Best Answer

Try this one:

gci C:\results\1319_TC1.* | foreach-object { robocopy $_.fullname (".\datastore\somefolder\" + $_.name) }

gci C:\results\1319_TC1.* get's all matching files/directories first and puts them through the pipe where foreach-object takes care of all results from the first command. It'll robocopy the fullpath of each result (full path to your result-directories) and put them into .\datastore\somefolder\ with its original foldername e.g.:
C:\results\1319_TC1.123456 -> C:\results\datastore\somefolder\1319_TC1.123456

That thing in braces will put that target-directory-name and the original folder-name together.

I just saw that your target-directory should be a UNC-path. Robocopy accepts UNC-paths (even with path-names longer than 256 characters). You just have to replace (".\datastore\somefolder\" with ("\\datastore\somefolder\" in my command. So the right command would be:

gci C:\results\1319_TC1.* | foreach-object { robocopy $_.fullname ("\\datastore\somefolder\" + $_.name) }