Powershell – Exchange 2010 Export of PST with Date Range


I'm trying to Export one of our Mailboxes into a .PST file and having problems finding the right cmdlets. We are trying to export the past 30 days of a users mailbox, both Received and Sent into one .PST File

This is what I've tried so far, but without any luck.

New-MailboxExportRequest -ContentFilter {(Received -lt ’04/01/2010′) -and (Received -ge ’03/01/2010′) -or (Sent -lt ’04/01/2010′) -and (Sent -ge ’03/01/2010′)} -Mailbox “Pelton” -Name DPeltonExp -FilePath \\ExServer1\Imports\DPelton.pst

Please advised as what I'm doing wrong.

Best Answer

You need a few parentheses to make the ContentFilter logic stick. Try this:

{((Received -lt ’04/01/2010′) -and (Received -ge ’03/01/2010′)) -or ((Sent -lt ’04/01/2010′) -and (Sent -ge ’03/01/2010′))}

Edit: I think actually you should use double quotes for the dates in stead of single quotes. It might not matter, but if the above doesn't work, try substituting the single quotes with doubles