Powershell – Export Mailbox Size and Archive Size to the same file


I need to export mailbox Size and Archive size to the same csv file.

I know to export the mailbox size I need to use Get-Mailbox | Get-MailboxStatistics | select-object Displayname,totalitemsize | export-csv .\filename.csv

to get archive size I need to use Get-Mailbox | Get-MailboxStatistics -archive | select-object totalitemsize | export-csv .\filename.csv

I need to know how to marge between this two commands.

Thank in advance.

Best Answer

I think a hash table it what you're after



Basically you define a table, eg: MailboxName, ActiveSize, ArchiveSize

Create a loop, get $This value from $There . $That from $Here

Rinse and repeat

Edit: I haven't tested this, but should give the basic idea

$objTABLE = @()
ForEach ($iMailbox in (Get-Mailbox -ResultSize "Unlimited"))
    $objTABLE += New-Object psobject -Property @{MailboxName=$(Get-Mailbox -Idendity $iMailbox | Select DisplayName); ActiveSize=$(Get-MailboxStatistics -Idendity $iMailbox | select totalitemsize); ArchiveSize=$(Get-MailboxStatistics -Archive | select-object totalitemsize)}

$objTABLE | Out-GridView