PowerShell: finding which groups are attached to which folders


(This is my first post, so sorry if I'm hard to understand or asked a bad question)

Here is my problem:

I have a few AD Groups with a similar naming convention. "*somename" and I used Get-ADGroup command to get an array filled with those objects.

Similarly, I have folders with NTFS permissions on them which I have in another array. These permissions are a mix of the groups I mentioned earlier, as well as other groups and individual users as needed.

End Goal (What I would like to find):

  • Which folders do not have any of those AD Groups assigned.
  • And which of those AD Groups aren't attached to any folders.
  • Which folders have which AD Group from that list assigned to it.

Here is what I have tried

$CS_Dirs=get-childitem '\\my.server\share$\Dept' -recurse -depth 1 -filter copierscans
$CS_Roles=Get-ADGroup -filter {Name -like "* CopierScans"}

####For each directory in $CS_Dirs array, get acl###
foreach($dir in $CS_Dirs){

    ###Get the ACL for the Dir###
    get-acl $dir.PSPath | %{

        ####Variable to tell this loop if next loops find a match###

        ####For every access object in that ACL###
        foreach ($access in $_.access){

            ###loop through each group to check if any of the dir's ACL's principals are in my list of AD Groups.
            foreach($group in $CS_ADGrups){

                #If they are then set contains to true to tell the outer loop to select that path
                if($access.identityreference.ToString() -match {"DOMAIN\"+$group.name.ToString()}){

        #Should be a list of all the paths
        #Which are not assigned a group contained in my $CS_ADGroups list.
            $_ | select @{n="path";e={$_.path}}

The Issues:

The matching in the end of the foreach I can't get to match eachother

  • The matching in the end of the foreach, i can't get it to evaluate true properly when they match. partly because one of them has the domain attached to the front and the other doesn't (hence the "domain\" portion)
  • I can't get it to select the directory path when it's inside a foreach loop,

Best Answer

It is difficult to see the errors you're getting without a similar environment to run it against. I can make the following two suggestions.

1) Get-Childitem does not return any items with a "path" property. Try using the "Fullname" property instead.

2) When you attempt to match a string that contains characters that perform special regex functions (like \$^?.) you need to escape those so they can be matched. Backslash is the primary escape character in regular expressions.

$group = "DOMAIN\Some Group"
$group -match $group
$group -match [regex]::Escape($group)

[Regex]::Escape("DOMAIN\Some Group")
DOMAIN\\Some\ Group
help about_regular_expressions

Try the following on the right side of your -match

-match ( [regex]::Escape("Domain\" + $group.name))