Powershell – Get detailed network adapter information using PowerShell


Is there an alternative to Get-NetAdapterRss that can be used on Windows Server 08/03/etc.? I'm looking to query NIC information from servers with a powershell script, but cannot seem to find how to obtain RSS status/information. Is there a way to do this using WMI instead? I believe the box that the servers are using Intel NICs (if that makes a difference).

Best Answer

This will not work for everyone, but I found that my specific NIC came with a provider for powershell. The namespace I could use was


Intel provides a scripting reference for using the WMI objects that are provided, and gives a brief description of each, in this PDF.

Basically, to get RSS information for a NIC, you need to get the IANet_AdapterSettings WMI object, and look at the "Receive Side Scaling" or "Receive Side Scaling Queues".

    Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\IntelNCS2" -Class IANet_AdapterSetting | Where-Object {$_.description -eq "Receive Side Scaling"}
    Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\IntelNCS2" -Class IANet_AdapterSetting | Where-Object {$_.description -eq "Receive Side Scaling Queues"}

Once you get this information, you can handle it any way you want. Don't forget you can pipe the output into Get-Member to find methods/properties available for the object.