Powershell – Get Undeliverable Email Addresses Using Powershell


Exchange Server 2010

I am trying to use Powershell to get the email addresses that were returned as Undeliverable. I've tried a bunch of Powershell commands, but I always get the postmaster@domain.com as the sender, not the email address that was used when the email was sent.


Email sent to invalid address: somename@abc.com

Email sent back as Undeliverable from: postmaster@abc.com

I need to know that email sent to somename@abc.com was Undeliverable.

Is this possible? Does anyone know the correct Powershell command?

Best Answer

Well, the GUI tracking log is much easier to use...and gives you more details, but:

Get-Messagetrackinglog -Recipients: bob@domain.com -EventID “FAIL” -Start “2/10/2013 8:00:00 AM” -End “2/20/13 8:00:00 AM” |ft Timestamp, Source, Sender, Recipients, MessageSubject >> C:\tracking.txt
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