Powershell – Hidden Features of PowerShell


What are the hidden features of PowerShell?

Best Answer

Force Powershell functions to really return an array, even an empty array.

Due to the way the @() syntax is implemented, functions may not always return an array as expected, e.g. the following code will return a $null and NOT an empty array. If you are testing code with set-StrictMode -On set, you'll get an PropertyNotFoundStrict error instead when trying to reference the .count property:

function test
    #some code that might return none,one or multiple values
    $data = $null
    return @($data)

Simply prepending a , to the @() will bypass the "syntactic sugar" and you'll have an actual array returned, even if it's empty:

function test2
    #some code that might return none,one or multiple values
    $data = $null
    return ,@($data)