Powershell – How to administer COM+ from PowerShell


Is there a PowerShell module or commands for administering COM+ components? In particular, I'd like to:

  • Query whether a COM+ application is installed/registered.
  • Start or Stop a COM+ application.
  • Install/register or uninstall/unregister COM+ application.

I am new to both PowerShell and COM+ so may be using the wrong terms (install vs register, etc).

Best Answer

List COM+ components

$comAdmin = New-Object -com ("COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalog.1")
$applications = $comAdmin.GetCollection("Applications") 

foreach ($application in $applications)

    $components = $applications.GetCollection("Components",$application.key)
    foreach ($component in $components)

        $dllName = $component.Value("DLL")
        $componentName = $component.Name

        "Component Name:$componentName"
        "DllName: $dllName`n"

Stop/Start Components


Install Com+ application using the InstallApplication method

# Refer to: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms681806(v=vs.85).aspx