Powershell – How to configure and enable NAT with server core installation


Using Microsoft Server 2012 Core:

What is the equivalent core/Powershell command to enable and configure NAT. I have configured NAT on servers with the following GUI steps:

Server Manager, Tools, Routing and Remote Access, Right click on machine, "Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access"

Select "Network address translation (NAT)" radio box,

Pick public interface.

I found "Install-RemoteAccess" but I'm stuck on the prompting for ConnectToAddress. It needs to be public or something but the GUI does not seem to have this requirement.


Repost from http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/b1b35cf2-f9bb-4a74-8d6d-73a0044d4799/how-to-configure-and-enable-nat-with-server-core-installation

Best Answer

The PowerShell Network Address Translation (NAT) Cmdlets are only available in Server 2012 R2, even using PowerShell 4 or copying the NetNat module does not help. So you're stuck with the netsh commands.