Active Directory – How to Create User Account with PowerShell


I am constantly setting up research and development environments that require active directory accounts. Since we place these environments in isloated networks each environment needs its own active directory. How can I create a new active directory account using powershell.

Best Answer

I'm not sure if you are looking for a script that will take a list of names, passwords, etc, but the following command works to create one new user. UserPrincipalName is optional. In this case, email is not used.

New-ADUser -SamAccountName nnn2 -Name "nnn2" -UserPrincipalName nnn2@jj -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "somePassword" -Force) -Enabled $true -PasswordNeverExpires $true -Path 'CN=Users,DC=jjdomain,DC=net'

If you wish to create a user in a trusted domain, add -server dns.domain to above command