Powershell – How to find orphaned computer objects in Active Directory using PowerShell


How can I find all computer accounts in my Active Directory domain that have been inactive for x days using PowerShell?

Note that I do actually know how to do this. This is a self-answered question just to get the knowledge out there. If anyone else has a better way, feel free to post it!

Best Answer

This would give you all computer accounts that have no activity for the last 365 Days.

Search-ADAccount -AccountInactive -ComputersOnly -TimeSpan 365.00:00:00

This would sort it for you by lastlogondate.

Search-ADAccount -AccountInactive -ComputersOnly -TimeSpan 365.00:00:00 | Sort-Object lastlogondate | Ft name,lastlogondate -auto

This would give you disabled computer accounts.

Search-ADAccount -AccountDisabled -ComputersOnly