Powershell – How to view the version of Windows 10 on a remote computer

powershellwindows 10windows-server-2012-r2

From Windows Server 2012 R2, I'd like to view which workstations on my network have been updated to Windows 10 Versions 1511, 1607 and so on.

Just to clarify, 1511 and 1607 are the numbers that I'm looking for.

I don't want to sign in to each workstation (I might have 50 or more). I don't care so much about the Edition or Build Number unless those can somehow be used to easily determine the Version.

Best Answer

There are a number of ways you could do this.

For each computer in Active Directory, its version of Windows is stored as an attribute named operatingSystemVersion.

You can query this from AD with a PowerShell command:

Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Property operatingsystemversion | select name,operatingsystemversion

This will return the name and OS version of every computer in AD.

You could also query this information directly from your computers using the win32_operatingsystem WMI class, but the method above is easier.