Powershell – Install-SPSolution : This solution contains no resources scoped for a Web appli cation and cannot be deployed to a particular Web application


I have a PowerShell script that deploys about 12 web parts. They have all been created through Visual Studio 2010 and are being deployed to SharePoint 2010.

I am getting the following error when running Install-SPSolution for one of my web parts:

Install-SPSolution : This solution contains no resources scoped for a Web application and cannot be deployed to a particular Web application.

Can someone help me debug this? Every other Install-SPSolution command uses -AllWebApplications, and I do not want to specify the web application directly using -URL. Here is the command that is breaking (this is the same command used to successfully deploy all 11 other web parts):

Install-SPSolution –Identity PortalSelector.wsp -AllWebApplications -GACDeployment

Best Answer

This might be a bit late to the party but...

The error suggests that the solution that you are trying to install does not need to update the web.config file of a web application in order for the features and resources contained within the solution to be used or activated on it.

The types of changes that solutions often need to apply to web.config files are things like safe control entries, HTTP modules, assembly binding redirect and such.

My guess would be that all you need to do is omit the -AllWebApplications switch from your command:

Install-SPSolution –Identity PortalSelector.wsp -GACDeployment