Powershell – Modify new user home directory permissions with powershell


I am needing assistance with a script. What I am trying to accomplish is when new users are created in ADUC and their profile path(home folder) is created, it gives the users "Full Control". I am wanting to change that to Modify permissions. My problem is that there are multiple users created weekly, and I want a script that can go through all the home folders and if it finds a user with full control to change it to modify. But also there is a admin security group that has multiple admins in it that have "Full Control on each home directory. I don't want it to look inside the group and take away their full control. What cmdlets do I need to say ignore that group and only change a user that has the "Full Control" to modify permissions. I have a script that changes a specific user from "Full Control" to modify, but don't know the proper way to have it just search just a user account on the folders with "Full Control".


#The possible values for Rights are 
# ListDirectory
# ReadData 
# WriteData 
# CreateFiles 
# CreateDirectories 
# AppendData 
# ReadExtendedAttributes 
# WriteExtendedAttributes 
# Traverse 
# ExecuteFile 
# DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles 
# ReadAttributes 
# WriteAttributes 
# Write 
# Delete 
# ReadPermissions 
# Read 
# ReadAndExecute 
# Modify 
# ChangePermissions 
# TakeOwnership 
# Synchronize 
# FullControl

$StartingDir="\\server\Path" #What directory do you want to start at?"
$Principal="domain\user" #What security principal do you want to grant" `

#define a new access rule.

$rule=new-object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($Principal,$Right,"ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit", 'None',"Allow")

foreach ($file in $(Get-ChildItem $StartingDir -recurse)) {
  $acl=(Get-Item $file.FullName).GetAccessControl('Access')

  #Add this access rule to the ACL

  #Write the changes to the object
  #Set-Acl $File.Fullname $acl
  (Get-Item $file.FullName).SetAccessControl($acl)

Best Answer

After some testing I have come up with this script and seems to work:

$HomeFolders = Get-ChildItem \\server\Path -Directory
foreach ($HomeFolder in $HomeFolders) {
    $Path = $HomeFolder.FullName
    $Acl = (Get-Item $Path).GetAccessControl('Access')
    $Username = $HomeFolder.Name
    $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("domain\$Username", 'Modify','ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit', 'None', 'Allow')
       (Get-Item $HomeFolder.FullName).SetAccessControl($acl)