Powershell – NetApp Data ONTAP PowerShell Get Access-Based Enumeration (ABE) Flag


I am trying to find out what CIF Shares have the Access-Based Enumeration (ABE) flag set on them through the NetApp Data ONTAP PowerShell CMDLET. You can set it through the CLI by using

controller> cifs shares -change sharename -accessbasedenum

I am looking for the PowerShell equivalent if possible! Thanks!

Best Answer

To get the status of ABE on the shares

Connect-NAController <VfilerName>
Get-NaCifsShare | ft ShareName,IsAccessBasedEnum

and to set ABE for a specific share

Connect-NAController <VfilerName>
Set-NACifsShare -Share <Share_Name> -AccessBasedEnum $true

you can use the Get-Help CMDlet to get information on any of the DataOntap API commands.

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