Powershell – New-QADUser CmdLet not adding UserPrincipalName when called in PowerShell


I am trying to import users into AD using a CSV file, PowerShell, and Quest's AD CmdLets. When the users are added the UserPrincipleName is not added.

Here is a sample CSV:


FirstA,LastA,"First Last",FLastAL.ou1,FLastAL.ou1@clients.domain.local,FLastA@outemail.com
First2A,Last2A,"First2 Last",FLast2AL.ou1,FLast2AL.ou1@clients.domain.local,FLast2A@outemail.com

Here is the PowerShell snippit:

$Users = Import-Csv $UserFile
foreach ($User in $Users)
    New-QADUser -FirstName $User.FirstName -LastName $User.LastName -DisplayName $User.DisplayName -SamAccountName $User.SamAccount -Name $User.SamAccount -UserPrincipalName $User.UserPrincipalName -ParentContainer "OU=$OUName,OU=Customers,DC=clients,DC=domain,DC=local"

Best Answer

I think the problem was the fact that we are using Exchange 2007 which does not use RUS. When I used the Exchange 2007 CmdLets to do the same thing everything is working correctly.