Powershell – Retrieve internet proxy server address via PowerShell


I have to retrieve the proxy server address and port via PowerShell, so I can use the Invoke-Webrequest -uri http://some-site.com -Proxy command. The expected output should looks like http://proxy-server.com:port.

I there a PowerShell function to retrieve the proxy server address and port, so we can use it in a script ?

Best Answer

Here is the PowerShell function to achieve my goal :

function Get-InternetProxy
                Determine the internet proxy address
                This function allows you to determine the the internet proxy address used by your computer
                Author : Antoine DELRUE 
                WebSite: http://obilan.be 

    $proxies = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings').proxyServer

    if ($proxies)
        if ($proxies -ilike "*=*")
            $proxies -replace "=","://" -split(';') | Select-Object -First 1

            "http://" + $proxies

enter image description here

Hope this helps !