Powershell – Save Custom View from Event Viewer in .evtx


I have a Custom View in the Event Viewer with a couple of Event id's. I know you can save those event id's in an .evtx file to open it. This proces has to be executed manually. Now is my question, how can I automate this? Through a PowerShell script perhaps or via a task in the Task Scheduler? I would like to execute this every friday of the week. I hope somebody can help me.

Best Answer

You will be best server saving the XML from the custom view filter, and using it to run a powershell script that queries the event viewer using the XML as filter.

There's a technet blogpost explaining how to do just that at: http://blogs.technet.com/b/heyscriptingguy/archive/2011/11/14/use-custom-views-from-windows-event-viewer-in-powershell.aspx