Powershell – Script removal of Insider Hub app-Win10

powershellscriptingwindows 10

I'd like to script the removal of the Windows 10 Insider Hub app. I've had no success with Powershell-admin: get-appxpackage -allusers -name *insider* | remove-appxpackage

I can do it manually in the GUI, but its not automated. There is a 3rd-party EXE that'll remove it, but I'd prefer not to use that (on top of the fact I tested it in a VM & the process froze)

Be aware: I'm using the free Win10 Pro upgrade, so I can't go Enterprise LTSB (which I understand can solve alot of this) & consequently can't DISM the WIM file.

Bonus points: how-to remove 'Contact Support' & 'Windows Feedback' script`omatically

Best Answer

Tested the below on a PC successfully:

dism.exe /online /Remove-Package /PackageName:Microsoft-Windows-InsiderHub-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.10586.0

I got the packagename from the DISM cmd switch get-packages:

dism /online /get-packages > getpackages.txt
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