Powershell – Transferring DHCP using Windows Server Migration Tool – Why is Powershell is crashing on the import of the .mig file


I am migrating DHCP from a windows server 2003R2 DC to a Windows Server 2008R2 DC

I've followed this video and its predecessor (Installing Windows Server Migration Tools)


I went through everything smoothly until the last step. I have exported a .mig file with my DHCP configuration on the old 2003r2 server. I transferred this .mig file over to my 2008R2 server, when running the import command, it will appear to work for a minute or two and then I get a generic windows "Powershell has stopped working" error and I have to close the program.

Under the problem details I see the following:

FileVersionOfSystemManagementAutomation: 6.1.7600.16385

InnermostExceptionType: System.AccessViolationException
OutermostExceptionType: System.AccessViolationException
DeepestPowerShellFrame: unknown
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
LocaleID: 1033

Seems like there are permissions issues maybe? I am running powershell as an admin and am logged in to the server as a domain administrator.

Any Ideas?


Best Answer

Run the script and watch what POWERSHELL.EXE is doing using Process Monitor (procmon) from Microsoft's SysInternals.

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