Powershell – Unable to create email alias because it already exists, but cannot find the instance of it



An Azure Active Directory call was made to keep object in sync between
Azure Active Directory and Exchange Online. However, it failed.
Detailed error message: Another object with the same value for
property EmailAddresses already exists. The issue may be transient and
please retry a couple of minutes later. If issue persists, please see
exception members for more information.


I'm trying to add an email alias to a user:

User: joe@email.com

Alias: joe@newemail.com

However, whenever I try to add this alias, it reports that the address exists, and I'm not sure why.

I checked with Powershell with this command:

Get-Mailbox -Identity * | Where-Object {$_.EmailAddresses -like 'smtp:joe@newemail.com'} | Format-List Identity, EmailAddresses

But it doesn't find anything … I have no idea where this address is to remove it, so I can add it to the users mailbox.


I should have mentioned as well, that when you try to send an email to joe@newemail.com it bounces back saying that it does not exists.

Best Answer

It may not be a mailbox, it may be a contact or distribution group. Try this:

Get-Recipient | Select DisplayName, RecipientType, EmailAddresses | Export-CSV c:\temp\recpients.csv

Then review the csv file and do a search for the alias to find the object with the alias.